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Professor CHEN Xiaoming Won the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award


Recently, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation announced that Prof. CHEN Xiaoming of ISEE won the 2022 Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award for his contributions in the field of wireless communications and networking.

The award is named for German astronomer and mathematician Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel (1784-1846) and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation presents the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Awards to internationally renowned academics who must have gained doctorate not earlier than 18 years ago in recognition of their outstanding accomplishments in research.

Prof. CHEN Xiaoming is the first one who obtains the award from Mainland China in the field of Information Technology. He focuses on the teaching and research of wireless communications and networking. He participated in the construction of the first generalized information course “Information, Control and Computing” and taught many outstanding students. He is studying the space-terrestrial integrated information networks for internet of everything, and proposes the techniques of grant-free random access, non-orthogonal transmission, and wide-area mobile coverage. He solved some important problems of large-scale communications.

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